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Handcrafted Drawings on Cloth
The Artwork of
David DeLane Snow
Professional info
THE artist is named David DeLane Snow, a native born Texan. He inherited his father's artistic talent, and continues learning to better his craft.
DRAWING upon his own personal imagination, religious and spiritual experiences, De Lane Snow is currently developing a high-fantasy, epic novel; upon which these cloth Scrolls are based.

ANY viewer of DeLane's artwork, style, and choice of media are instantly intrigued. You are pulled into wanting to learn more about these "scrolls". What fantasy world are these ancient relics from? What is the tale behind their strange depictions? Surely they must belong to a longer verse, hinting at a richer backstory? For indeed, that is exactly what they are! Like complex puzzle pieces our lives are not told in single snap-shots; and neither are these original, one-of-a-kind pieces of fine art. More than just an oddity they are a tale worth exploring.
2010 - present
2010 - present
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