Handcrafted Drawings on Cloth
The Artwork of
David DeLane Snow
The Long Verse:
The Ode of Fayendar
SEVEN tomes of ancient lore
kept sacred by locks and keys
about sigiled Judges and fallen Kings
of mystic Priests and fiery Prophets;
yet, amid them all a hero walked
in that darkened Nephilim age
ere the world was washed away.

IT was in those lost days of Adam
after Cain's violent fame was won
when the immortal Sons of God
took the daughters of lesser men;
from those wives children were born
renown as teachers among the lesser men
called heroic giants, and Nephilim Lords.
FROM eastern lands those lesser men came
ink-skinned Bedouins from war-torn lands
who drove their herds and tribes westward;
unto the Ancient Shores of whispered hope,
where a remnant people lay harbored,
twenty-one who gathered on forgotten docks
behind vine-laced walls once grand and fair.

THOSE nomadic Nasil sought journey's rest
not to usurp those Mitharians, but trade
with wares of jewelry, cloth and herds;
eight hundred men, women and children
called their camp Rebirth, as Slavath
was their new beginning in a post-war
land of hope and new friendships.