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    This is the SACRED BOOK of a lost people known as the Elioud. It began as a scroll, kept in an ornate box. Later, the boxed-scroll was viewed as a holy relic. In time, personal stories and histories of the people were added to 'the scroll'. The Book of books were then canonized into a single volume, which spawned a cultic religious society. It is only from this one volume of work that anthropologist even learned about the people, and the land they called Eriduah.

   The Elioud were the descendants of mixed races who began to rebuild their world during the after-math of a Great War, which brought about global corruption and its eventual demise.


   This is the tale of all origin stories.


   This is the beginning of the end of The Nephilim Age.

Copyright Material © 2017  SNOWbear Productions by David DeLane Snow

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